Jul 29, 2022 Indicant Daily Stock Market Report
Volume 07, Issue 5 ISSN 1526 6516 Short-term Indicant
© The Indicant Stock Market Report
Today's Report
Short-term Indicant Stock
Market Report Summary
Jul 29-As stated last week, the
stock market bull is now configuring in support of a shift in political
power this November. Bullish unanimity reasserted itself after Friday’s
close along both the Near-term and Quick-term cycles for the major
indices. There were several ETF buy signals. International ETF’s are still
being avoided.
Short-term Indicant Stock
Market Details
Click this sentence to see table leading to the charts.
Index Near-term
Report Card Summary
The Near-term Indicant signaled
new bulls and no new bears.
Number of Near-term Bulls: 1 of
Duration of Near-term Bulls:
Near-term Bull Performance:
+3.2%; Annualized Performance: +41.3%
Number of Near-term Bears: 1 of
Average Duration of Near-term
Bears: 9.0-wks. avg.
Near-term Bears Average
Performance: -17.1%
Near-term Performance Advantage: Jul 29, 2022-Stock
Market Bull
Near-term Stock Market Cycle
Near-term Indicant Non-Contrarian
Configured Bullish Blue Bulls: 10 of 11
Near-term Indicant Non-Contrarian
Configured Bearish Green Bears: 0 of 11
Near-term Performance Advantage: Jul 29, 2022-Stock
Market Bull
Index Quick-term
Report Card Summary
The Quick-term Indicant
new bulls and no new bears.
Number of Quick-term Bulls: 1
of 12
Average Duration of Quick-term
Bulls: 3.0-wks.
Quick-term Bull Performance:
+6.5%; Quick-term Annualized Performance: +112.5%.
Number of Quick-term Bears: 1
of 12
Average Duration of Quick-term
Bears: 9.0-weeks-avg.
Quick-term Bear Performance:
Quick-term Stock Market Cycle
Configured Quick-term Indicant
Red Bulls: 1 of 12
Configured Quick-term Indicant
Yellow Bears: 11 of 12
Quick-term Configured
Advantage: Jul 29, 2022-Stock Market Bull
Short-term Stock Market Cycle
Non-contrarian force vectors in
bullish domains: 11 of 11
Non-contrarian force vectors
higher than vector pressure: 11 of 11
Non-contrarian vector pressure
in bullish domains: 11 of 11
Non-contrarian bullish force
vector direction: 11 of 11
Non-contrarian bullish vector
pressure direction: 11 of 11
Short-term Advantage:
Short-term Advantage: Jul 29, 2022-Stock
Market Bull
Indicant Volume Indicators
Jul 29-Passive volume this past
week associated with stock market bullishness. This would normally
associate with bullish spurts, as opposed to sustainable stock market
bullishness. Stock market behavior is based on what will occur, as opposed
to what is occurring now. The mid-term election year phenomena is starting
now, where the market is anticipating a massive shift in political power
in about five months. With that, sustainable bullishness is likely.
Short-term ETF Report Card, Status, and Charts
ETF Near-term
Report Card Summary
There were
buy signals and
sell signal along the near-term cycle.
The Near-term Indicant is
signaling hold for two ETF’s. They are up by an average of 2.6% since
their buy signals an average of 3.5-weeks ago, annualizing at 37.9%.
The Near-term Indicant is
avoiding 12-ETF’s.
They are down by an average of 9.0% since their sell signals an average of
19.0-weeks ago.
Near-term ETF Cycle Analyses
Contrarian configured Near-term
Indicant Blue Bulls: 1
Contrarian configured Near-term
Indicant Green Bears: 2
Partial Contrarian Near-term
Indicant Blue Bulls: 2
Partial Contrarian Near-term
Indicant Green Bears: 0
Non-contrarian configured
Near-term Indicant Blue Bulls: 25
Non-contrarian configured
Near-term Indicant Green Bears: 0
Near-term Advantage: Jul 29,
Market Bull
ETF Quick-term
Report Card Summary
The Quick-term Indicant
signals and
sell signal.
The Quick-term Indicant is
signaling hold for three ETF’s. They are up by an average of 35.5% since
their buy signals an average of 31.3-weeks ago, annualizing at 59.0%.
The Quick-term Indicant is
avoiding 12-ETF’s. They are down by an average of 9.2% since their sell
signals 18.8-weeks ago.
Quick-term ETF Cycle Analyses
Contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Yellow Bears: 2
Partial Contrarian Quick-term
Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Partial Contrarian Quick-term
Indicant Yellow Bears: 1
Non-contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Red Bulls: 1
Non-contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Yellow Bears: 10
Quick-term Advantage: Jul 29,
Market Bull
Reverse Tangential
Click this sentence to the table, highlighting RTP’s (Reverse Tangential
The values and magnitudes are expressed in the table on the website. Keep
in mind there is 100% confidence in these bearish projections.
Click the
Short-term Indicant
to see the combined table of the Near-term Indicant, Quick-term, and
Short-term Indicant. The table has links to charts for each. Each chart
contains all three models and there are two separate buy and sell signals
for the Near-term and/or Quick-term Indicant.
Other links:
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the Dow Jones Industrial Average
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the NASDAQ Composite Index
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the S&P500 Index
Indicant Volume Indicator
Understanding Content on the Short-term Indicant Charts
Happy Investing,
Jul 22, 2022 Indicant Daily Stock Market Report
Volume 07, Issue 4 ISSN 1526 6516 Short-term Indicant
© The Indicant Stock Market Report
Short-term Indicant Stock
Market Report Summary
Jul 22-Strong stock market
bullishness this past week is configuring attributes for near-term bull
and buy signals. Political shenanigans are helping the stock market bull
in addition to anticipating a shift in power this November.
Short-term Indicant Stock
Market Details
Click this sentence to see table leading to the charts.
Index Near-term
Report Card Summary
The Near-term Indicant signaled
no new bulls and no new bears.
Number of Near-term Bulls: 1 of
Duration of Near-term Bulls:
Near-term Bull Performance:
-3.2%; Annualized Performance: -3.2%
Number of Near-term Bears: 11
of 12
Average Duration of Near-term
Bears: 12.7-wks. avg.
Near-term Bears Average
Performance: -7.1%
Near-term Performance Advantage: Apr 22, 2022-Stock
Market Bear
Near-term Stock Market Cycle
Near-term Indicant Non-Contrarian
Configured Bullish Blue Bulls: 10 of 11
Near-term Indicant Non-Contrarian
Configured Bearish Green Bears: 0 of 11
Near-term Position Cyclical Advantage: Apr 22, 2022-Stock
Market Bear
Index Quick-term
Report Card Summary
The Quick-term Indicant
signaled no
new bulls and no new bears.
Number of Quick-term Bulls: 1
of 12
Average Duration of Quick-term
Bulls: 2.0-wks.
Quick-term Bull Performance:
-0.1%; Quick-term Annualized Performance: -0.1%.
Number of Quick-term Bears: 11
of 12
Average Duration of Quick-term
Bears: 12.5-weeks-avg.
Quick-term Bear Performance:
Quick-term Stock Market Cycle
Configured Quick-term Indicant
Red Bulls: 0 of 12
Configured Quick-term Indicant
Yellow Bears: 11 of 12
Quick-term Configured
Advantage: Apr 14, 2022-Quick-term Advantage to Bear
Short-term Stock Market Cycle
Non-contrarian force vectors in
bullish domains: 10 of 11
Non-contrarian force vectors
higher than vector pressure: 10 of 11
Non-contrarian vector pressure
in bullish domains: 10 of 11
Non-contrarian bullish force
vector direction: 8 of 11
Non-contrarian bullish vector
pressure direction: 10 of 11
Short-term Advantage:
Short-term Advantage: Apr 14, 2022-Quick-term
Advantage to Bear
Indicant Volume Indicators
Jul 22-Volume has been
relatively stable this past few weeks with associated stock market
stability and mild bullishness. Although stable, cyclical behavior remains
supportive of the stock market bear. As stated, several weeks ago, “both
volume indicators elevated into the domain of high interest internal to
the prevailing bear cycle. That continues to bode well for the stock
market bear.” As stated two weeks ago, “political manipulations may
inspire a short-term bullish cycle.” NASDAQ bullishness last week was
accompanied with a volume increase.
Short-term ETF Report Card, Status, and Charts
ETF Near-term
Report Card Summary
There were no buy signals and
sell signals along the near-term cycle.
The Near-term Indicant is
signaling hold for three ETF’s. They are up by an average of 0.7% since
their buy signals an average of 6.0-weeks ago, annualizing at 5.7%.
The Near-term Indicant is
avoiding 29-ETF’s.
They are down by an average of 8.4% since their sell signals an average of
14.8-weeks ago.
Near-term ETF Cycle Analyses
Contrarian configured Near-term
Indicant Blue Bulls: 1
Contrarian configured Near-term
Indicant Green Bears: 2
Partial Contrarian Near-term
Indicant Blue Bulls: 0
Partial Contrarian Near-term
Indicant Green Bears: 1
Non-contrarian configured
Near-term Indicant Blue Bulls: 22
Non-contrarian configured
Near-term Indicant Green Bears: 2
Near-term Advantage:
Stock Market Bear
as of Apr 22, 2022
ETF Quick-term
Report Card Summary
The Quick-term Indicant
signals and no sell signals.
The Quick-term Indicant is
signaling hold for four ETF’s. They are up by an average of 21.2% since
their buy signals an average of 26.0-weeks ago, annualizing at 42/4%.
The Quick-term Indicant is
avoiding 28-ETF’s. They are down by an average of 8.2% since their sell
signals 15.1-weeks ago.
Quick-term ETF Cycle Analyses
Contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Yellow Bears: 2
Partial Contrarian Quick-term
Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Partial Contrarian Quick-term
Indicant Yellow Bears: 1
Non-contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Non-contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Yellow Bears: 25
Quick-term Advantage:
Quick-term Stock Market Bear May 13, 2022
Reverse Tangential
Click this sentence to the table, highlighting RTP’s (Reverse Tangential
The values and magnitudes are expressed in the table on the website. Keep
in mind there is 100% confidence in these bearish projections.
Click the
Short-term Indicant
to see the combined table of the Near-term Indicant, Quick-term, and
Short-term Indicant. The table has links to charts for each. Each chart
contains all three models and there are two separate buy and sell signals
for the Near-term and/or Quick-term Indicant.
Other links:
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the Dow Jones Industrial Average
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the NASDAQ Composite Index
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the S&P500 Index
Indicant Volume Indicator
Understanding Content on the Short-term Indicant Charts
Happy Investing,
Jul 15, 2022 Indicant Daily Stock Market Report
Volume 07, Issue 3 ISSN 1526 6516 Short-term Indicant
© The Indicant Stock Market Report
Short-term Indicant Stock
Market Report Summary
Jul 15-Short-term force vectors
are shifting back into a bearish direction. That does not bode well for
the stock market bull. So far, however, this stock market bear has been
relatively passive, despite many reasons for it not being so. The stock
market may be prognosticating the purpose of a Republic may yield an
eradication of pervasive stupidity in the media and in presidential
leadership. For example, impeachment appears possible along with laws that
foreign governments cannot subsidize media propagandists. Dwight
Eisenhower warned about that in the 1950’s. Seventy-years later, his and
Nakita Khrushchev’s prediction of burying us is now manifesting with a
docile society following the orders of lunatics. Duping is being a
success. Without abatement of that, the stock market bull will be nowhere
to be found.
Short-term Indicant Stock
Market Details
Click this sentence to see table leading to the charts.
Index Near-term
Report Card Summary
The Near-term Indicant signaled
no new bulls and no new bears.
Number of Near-term Bulls: 1 of
Duration of Near-term Bulls:
Near-term Bull Performance:
-3.0%; Annualized Performance: -3.0%
Number of Near-term Bears: 11
of 12
Average Duration of Near-term
Bears: 11.7-wks. avg.
Near-term Bears Average
Performance: -9.2%
Near-term Performance Advantage: Apr 22, 2022-Stock
Market Bear
Near-term Stock Market Cycle
Near-term Indicant Non-Contrarian
Configured Bullish Blue Bulls: 1 of 11
Near-term Indicant Non-Contrarian
Configured Bearish Green Bears: 0 of 11
Near-term Position Cyclical Advantage: Apr 22, 2022-Stock
Market Bear
Index Quick-term
Report Card Summary
The Quick-term Indicant
signaled no
new bulls and no new bears.
Number of Quick-term Bulls: 1
of 12
Average Duration of Quick-term
Bulls: 1.0-wks.
Quick-term Bull Performance:
0.1%; Quick-term Annualized Performance: 6.1%.
Number of Quick-term Bears: 11
of 12
Average Duration of Quick-term
Bears: 11.7-weeks-avg.
Quick-term Bear Performance:
Quick-term Stock Market Cycle
Configured Quick-term Indicant
Red Bulls: 0 of 12
Configured Quick-term Indicant
Yellow Bears: 11 of 12
Quick-term Configured
Advantage: Apr 14, 2022-Quick-term Advantage to Bear
Short-term Stock Market Cycle
Non-contrarian force vectors in
bullish domains: 0 of 11
Non-contrarian force vectors
higher than vector pressure: 0 of 11
Non-contrarian vector pressure
in bullish domains: 4 of 11
Non-contrarian bullish force
vector direction: 4 of 11
Non-contrarian bullish vector
pressure direction: 7 of 11
Short-term Advantage:
Short-term Advantage: Apr 14, 2022-Quick-term
Advantage to Bear
Indicant Volume Indicators
Jul 5-Volume has been
relatively stable this past few weeks with associated stock market
stability. Although stable, cyclical behavior remains supportive of the
stock market bear. As stated, four weeks ago, “both volume indicators
elevated into the domain of high interest internal to the prevailing bear
cycle. That continues to bode well for the stock market bear.” As stated
last week, “political manipulations may inspire a short-term bullish
Short-term ETF Report Card, Status, and Charts
ETF Near-term
Report Card Summary
There were no buy signals and
sell signals along the near-term cycle.
The Near-term Indicant is
signaling hold for three ETF’s. They are up by an average of 3.3% since
their buy signals an average of 5.0-weeks ago, annualizing at 34.7%.
The Near-term Indicant is
avoiding 29-ETF’s.
They are down by an average of 10.7% since their sell signals an average
of 13.8-weeks ago.
Near-term ETF Cycle Analyses
Contrarian configured Near-term
Indicant Blue Bulls: 1
Contrarian configured Near-term
Indicant Green Bears: 1
Partial Contrarian Near-term
Indicant Blue Bulls: 0
Partial Contrarian Near-term
Indicant Green Bears: 2
Non-contrarian configured
Near-term Indicant Blue Bulls: 7
Non-contrarian configured
Near-term Indicant Green Bears: 5
Near-term Advantage:
Stock Market Bear
as of Apr 22, 2022
ETF Quick-term
Report Card Summary
The Quick-term Indicant
signals and no sell signals.
The Quick-term Indicant is
signaling hold for four ETF’s. They are up by an average of 21.6% since
their buy signals an average of 25.0-weeks ago, annualizing at 48.7%.
The Quick-term Indicant is
avoiding 28-ETF’s. They are down by an average of 10.6% since their sell
signals 14.1-weeks ago.
Quick-term ETF Cycle Analyses
Contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Yellow Bears: 2
Partial Contrarian Quick-term
Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Partial Contrarian Quick-term
Indicant Yellow Bears: 1
Non-contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Non-contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Yellow Bears: 25
Quick-term Advantage:
Quick-term Stock Market Bear May 13, 2022
Reverse Tangential
Click this sentence to the table, highlighting RTP’s (Reverse Tangential
The values and magnitudes are expressed in the table on the website. Keep
in mind there is 100% confidence in these bearish projections.
Click the
Short-term Indicant
to see the combined table of the Near-term Indicant, Quick-term, and
Short-term Indicant. The table has links to charts for each. Each chart
contains all three models and there are two separate buy and sell signals
for the Near-term and/or Quick-term Indicant.
Other links:
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the Dow Jones Industrial Average
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the NASDAQ Composite Index
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the S&P500 Index
Indicant Volume Indicator
Understanding Content on the Short-term Indicant Charts
Happy Investing,
Jul 08, 2022 Indicant Daily Stock Market Report
Volume 07, Issue 2 ISSN 1526 6516 Short-term Indicant
© The Indicant Stock Market Report
Today's Report
Short-term Indicant Stock
Market Report Summary
Jul 8-The stock market is
configuring for a bullish spurt. It could transform to a solid bull,
despite political shenanigans. That transformation will require a strong
belief the democrats will lose both houses of congress in Nov 2022. A more
robust bull will manifest with increasing possibilities of impeaching the
president and the vice-president. It will be even more pronounced with the
arrests and prosecution of all political elites who committed crimes.
Capitalism and ruthless punishment to the dumb and wrong are always
aligned and the stock market bull fully enjoys that.
Short-term Indicant Stock
Market Details
Click this sentence to see table leading to the charts.
Index Near-term
Report Card Summary
The Near-term Indicant signaled
no new bulls and no new bears.
Number of Near-term Bulls: 1 of
Duration of Near-term Bulls:
Near-term Bull Performance:
-3.1%; Annualized Performance: -3.1%
Number of Near-term Bears: 11
of 12
Average Duration of Near-term
Bears: 10.7-wks. avg.
Near-term Bears Average
Performance: -8.3%
Near-term Performance Advantage: Apr 22, 2022-Stock
Market Bear
Near-term Stock Market Cycle
Near-term Indicant Non-Contrarian
Configured Bullish Blue Bulls: 3 of 11
Near-term Indicant Non-Contrarian
Configured Bearish Green Bears: 0 of 11
Near-term Position Cyclical Advantage: Apr 22, 2022-Stock
Market Bear
Index Quick-term
Report Card Summary
The Quick-term Indicant
new bull and no new bears.
Number of Quick-term Bulls: 0
of 12
Average Duration of Quick-term
Bulls: N/A-wks.
Quick-term Bull Performance:
N/A%; Quick-term Annualized Performance: N/A%.
Number of Quick-term Bears: 11
of 12
Average Duration of Quick-term
Bears: 10.5-weeks-avg.
Quick-term Bear Performance:
Quick-term Stock Market Cycle
Configured Quick-term Indicant
Red Bulls: 0 of 12
Configured Quick-term Indicant
Yellow Bears: 11 of 12
Quick-term Configured
Advantage: Apr 14, 2022-Quick-term Advantage to Bear
Short-term Stock Market Cycle
Non-contrarian force vectors in
bullish domains: 11 of 11
Non-contrarian force vectors
higher than vector pressure: 11 of 11
Non-contrarian vector pressure
in bullish domains: 2 of 11
Non-contrarian bullish force
vector direction: 10 of 11
Non-contrarian bullish vector
pressure direction: 11 of 11
Short-term Advantage:
Short-term Advantage: Apr 14, 2022-Quick-term
Advantage to Bear
Indicant Volume Indicators
Jul 8-Volume was relatively
stable this past week. Although stable, cyclical behavior remains
supportive of the stock market bear. As stated, three weeks ago, “both
volume indicators elevated into the domain of high interest internal to
the prevailing bear cycle. That continues to bode well for the stock
market bear.” Political manipulations may inspire a short-term bullish
Short-term ETF Report Card, Status, and Charts
ETF Near-term
Report Card Summary
There was
buy signal and no
sell signals along the near-term cycle.
The Near-term Indicant is
signaling hold for two ETF’s. They are up by an average of 3.8% since
their buy signals an average of 6.0-weeks ago, annualizing at 32.9%.
The Near-term Indicant is
avoiding 29-ETF’s.
They are down by an average of 9.4% since their sell signals an average of
12.9-weeks ago.
Near-term ETF Cycle Analyses
Contrarian configured Near-term
Indicant Blue Bulls: 0
Contrarian configured Near-term
Indicant Green Bears: 1
Partial Contrarian Near-term
Indicant Blue Bulls: 0
Partial Contrarian Near-term
Indicant Green Bears: 2
Non-contrarian configured
Near-term Indicant Blue Bulls: 10
Non-contrarian configured
Near-term Indicant Green Bears: 3
Near-term Advantage:
Stock Market Bear
as of Apr 22, 2022
ETF Quick-term
Report Card Summary
The Quick-term Indicant
signal and no sell signals.
The Quick-term Indicant is
signaling hold for three ETF’s. They are up by an average of 30.0% since
their buy signals an average of 32.0-weeks ago, annualizing at 48.7%.
The Quick-term Indicant is
avoiding 28-ETF’s. They are down by an average of 9.4% since their sell
signals 13.1-weeks ago.
Quick-term ETF Cycle Analyses
Contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Yellow Bears: 2
Partial Contrarian Quick-term
Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Partial Contrarian Quick-term
Indicant Yellow Bears: 1
Non-contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Non-contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Yellow Bears: 24
Quick-term Advantage:
Quick-term Stock Market Bear May 13, 2022
Reverse Tangential
Click this sentence to the table, highlighting RTP’s (Reverse Tangential
The values and magnitudes are expressed in the table on the website. Keep
in mind there is 100% confidence in these bearish projections.
Click the
Short-term Indicant
to see the combined table of the Near-term Indicant, Quick-term, and
Short-term Indicant. The table has links to charts for each. Each chart
contains all three models and there are two separate buy and sell signals
for the Near-term and/or Quick-term Indicant.
Other links:
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the Dow Jones Industrial Average
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the NASDAQ Composite Index
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the S&P500 Index
Indicant Volume Indicator
Understanding Content on the Short-term Indicant Charts
Happy Investing,
Jul 01, 2022 Indicant Daily Stock Market Report
Volume 07, Issue 1 ISSN 1526 6516 Short-term Indicant
© The Indicant Stock Market Report
Today's Report
Short-term Indicant Stock
Market Report Summary
Jul 1-The stock market was
bearish this past week, as expected, but with one nuance. The Dow
Utilities was bullish by over 4% while the other major indices were
bearish by over 2%. The NASDAQ100 was bearish by a whopping 4.1%. The Dow
Utilities enjoyed a near-term and quick-term bull signal and ETF#12-UTY-(Chart)
enjoyed a buy signal. Its force vector is moving bullishly in bullish
domains with vector pressure in bullish domains. Buy rule, the bull
signals and buy signals had to be executed. With that, the stock market
bear’s projected depth could be muted, while still being a solid stock
market bear. Utilities behavior over the next few weeks will be telling.
The market is nearing the lead time of anticipating the upcoming election,
so this will indeed be interesting.
Short-term Indicant Stock
Market Details
Click this sentence to see table leading to the charts.
Index Near-term
Report Card Summary
The Near-term Indicant signaled
new bull and no new bears.
Number of Near-term Bulls: 0 of
Duration of Near-term Bulls:
Near-term Bull Performance:
N/A%; Annualized Performance: N/A%
Number of Near-term Bears: 11
of 12
Average Duration of Near-term
Bears: 9.7-wks. avg.
Near-term Bears Average
Performance: -6.9%
Near-term Performance Advantage: Apr 22, 2022-Stock
Market Bear
Near-term Stock Market Cycle
Near-term Indicant Non-Contrarian
Configured Bullish Blue Bulls: 1 of 11
Near-term Indicant Non-Contrarian
Configured Bearish Green Bears: 0 of 11
Near-term Position Cyclical Advantage: Apr 22, 2022-Stock
Market Bear
Index Quick-term
Report Card Summary
The Quick-term Indicant
signaled no
new bulls and no new bears.
Number of Quick-term Bulls: 0
of 12
Average Duration of Quick-term
Bulls: N/A-wks.
Quick-term Bull Performance:
N/A%; Quick-term Annualized Performance: N/A%.
Number of Quick-term Bears: 12
of 12
Average Duration of Quick-term
Bears: 8.9-weeks-avg.
Quick-term Bear Performance:
Quick-term Stock Market Cycle
Configured Quick-term Indicant
Red Bulls: 0 of 12
Configured Quick-term Indicant
Yellow Bears: 10 of 12
Quick-term Configured
Advantage: Apr 14, 2022-Quick-term Advantage to Bear
Short-term Stock Market Cycle
Non-contrarian force vectors in
bullish domains: 9 of 11
Non-contrarian force vectors
higher than vector pressure: 11 of 11
Non-contrarian vector pressure
in bullish domains: 1 of 11
Non-contrarian bullish force
vector direction: 1 of 11
Non-contrarian bullish vector
pressure direction: 11 of 11
Short-term Advantage:
Short-term Advantage: Apr 14, 2022-Quick-term
Advantage to Bear
Indicant Volume Indicators
Jul 1, Volume was relatively
stable this past week. Although stable, cyclical behavior remains
supportive of the stock market bear. As stated, two weeks ago, “both
volume indicators elevated into the domain of high interest internal to
the prevailing bear cycle. That continues to bode well for the stock
market bear.”
Short-term ETF Report Card, Status, and Charts
ETF Near-term
Report Card Summary
There was
buy signal and no
sell signals along the near-term cycle.
The Near-term Indicant is
signaling hold for one ETF. It is up 21.3% since its buy signal 10.0-weeks
ago, annualizing at 110.9%. The lone hold is ETF#32-QID-(Chart).
The Near-term Indicant is
avoiding 30-ETF’s.
They are down by an average of 9.6% since their sell signals an average of
11.6-weeks ago.
Near-term ETF Cycle Analyses
Contrarian configured Near-term
Indicant Blue Bulls: 1
Contrarian configured Near-term
Indicant Green Bears: 0
Partial Contrarian Near-term
Indicant Blue Bulls: 0
Partial Contrarian Near-term
Indicant Green Bears: 2
Non-contrarian configured
Near-term Indicant Blue Bulls: 7
Non-contrarian configured
Near-term Indicant Green Bears: 4
Near-term Advantage:
Stock Market Bear
as of Apr 22, 2022
ETF Quick-term
Report Card Summary
The Quick-term Indicant
signal and no sell signals.
The Quick-term Indicant is
signaling hold for two ETF’s. They are up by an average of 53.9% since
their buy signals an average of 46.5-weeks ago, annualizing at 60.3%.
The Quick-term Indicant is
avoiding 29-ETF’s. They are down by an average of 9.6% since their sell
signals 11.7-weeks ago.
Quick-term ETF Cycle Analyses
Contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Red Bulls: 1
Contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Yellow Bears: 2
Partial Contrarian Quick-term
Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Partial Contrarian Quick-term
Indicant Yellow Bears: 1
Non-contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Red Bulls: 0
Non-contrarian configured
Quick-term Indicant Yellow Bears: 24
Quick-term Advantage:
Quick-term Stock Market Bear May 13, 2022
Reverse Tangential
Click this sentence to the table, highlighting RTP’s (Reverse Tangential
The values and magnitudes are expressed in the table on the website. Keep
in mind there is 100% confidence in these bearish projections.
Click the
Short-term Indicant
to see the combined table of the Near-term Indicant, Quick-term, and
Short-term Indicant. The table has links to charts for each. Each chart
contains all three models and there are two separate buy and sell signals
for the Near-term and/or Quick-term Indicant.
Other links:
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the Dow Jones Industrial Average
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the NASDAQ Composite Index
Short-term Indicant Historical Tables for the S&P500 Index
Indicant Volume Indicator
Understanding Content on the Short-term Indicant Charts
Happy Investing,